Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring is on the way!

The temperatures are rising, the snow is melting, and I'm happy! I've seen 10 robins so far (yes, I keep count!) and have noticed a few little green shoots poking their heads out of the wet earth. I even saw a fly the other day! Now, I don't love flies, per se, but if it's warm enough for them to hatch, that must be a good sign, right?

I keep scanning the ground, looking for the first flowers. Nothing yet, but I can't wait! I go completely photo-happy in the spring, taking my camera with me everywhere and drinking in the light and warmth and color.

That's one reason I love this print by dkim art so really captures my favorite way to spend a spring day: surrounded by green and blossoms with a camera in my hands!

"Making Pictures" by dkim art
(Note: the listing linked to is sold out, but it's possible dkim would post more if asked, I'm sure.)

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